I have been inspired, by life, to share.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sun Has a Way About It

The sun has a way of making you feel so good. I ate lunch at this restaurant outside today with a few co-workers and have miraculously come back refreshed and excited about.....nothing.

There isn't really anything coming up. I don't have any plans later on (except I will be seeing my dahling). But even so, I'm just so ..... I don't know.

This morning I was in such a sluggish mood. You all know how I feel about the
9-5, it was really starting to get to me. I was hating my job and hating this damned routine.

But after lunch. I'm ok. I know what I gotta do and it just put so many things into perspective. It doesn't happen over night. I have to be patient. Do what I gotta do to get where I wanna go.

I'm such an "i want it now" type of person.
I have to work on that.

Anyway, I hope it's this nice when I get off. I'd like to share the sun with my dahling.


Blogger T.a.c.D said...

Sunshine and clear skies DO have a way with making you feel better...I am going to go home and sit on my "porch" and just take it all in...and then go to bed at like 8 becasue I am tired as hell...LOL
have a wonderful evening sweets!

March 22, 2007 at 4:02 PM

Blogger jendayi said...

I think that's why people on this side of the country are always so happy!! Including me!! When are you coming to visit? We can roll like stars out here.

March 23, 2007 at 11:58 AM


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